Tumble turn :
The main idea of this turn is to get in and out of the wall as fast as possible.

In freestyle races you do not have to touch the wall with your hands, any part of your body is fine.

Using the feet gets a much faster turn.
The turn is basically a somersault and twist. Here's what you need to do:

  • Swim towards the wall

  • Forward somersault just before the wall
  • Place feet on wall & stretch arm out
  • Push hard on wall and twist onto frontTo try to help you learn and improve your tumble turns here are some ways to practice the turn and also five top tips for a good turn.

    There are a number of different ways to practise.

    It will help you to improve the turns if you practice different parts and then put it all together.

  • Here is a good way of doing this:

  • Practise pushing from the side and doing a somersault
  • Now try swimming five strokes and then doing a somersault
  • Now swim towards the wall and do a somersault putting your feet on the wall as you go over.
  • Now practise pushing away from the side underwater and streamlining (flat and thin with one hand on top of the other)
  • Once you can do this try adding a leg kick and then starting to pull as you reach the surface.
  • Finally, put the whole thing together - swim, tumble, push off, streamline and swim

  • Now you have got the whole thing working try practicing it every time you swim frontcrawl.

    You will soon find that it gets smoother and quicker.

    Top five tips:

  • Swim to the wall quickly
  • Turn when you see the "T" on the bottom of the pool
  • Tuck your head in tight
  • Put your feet on the wall approx. 0.5m under the surface
  • Stretch arms out before you push away from the wall

  • www.google.com