It is a good idea to learn the front crawl tumble turn first before trying the backcrawl tumble.

The two turns are almost the same they just start and finish differently.

Here's how to change the one you have already learnt into a back crawl tumble and our five top tips for a good turn.

Turning from back to front

When you swim towards the wall on your back you are allowed to turn onto your front to do the turn.

Practice swimming on your back and rolling onto your front.

The hardest thing to do in the backcrawl turn is to find the wall.

There are a couple of ways to do this, the first is to look for the flags across the pool and count your strokes from the flags.

The other way is to count how many strokes it takes to get from one end to the other.

Remember you need to leave space to turn onto your front and tumble so don't count all the way to the end of the pool.

Pushing off the wall is the easy bit.

After your tumble you should already be on your back with your feet on the wall, now all you have to do is give a good strong push and stay on your back.

So you will see that once you have learnt the frontcrawl tumble it is very easy to change it into the backcrawl tumble.

Here are our top five tips:

  • Count your strokes and learn when to turn onto your front
  • Throw your arm over your opposite shoulder to roll
  • Keep your head tucked in and arms by your side as you turn
  • Don't swim on your front, only do the turn
  • Remember to kick hard to get you up to the surface

  • www.google.com